Maal Microfinance L.T.D Impact Finance’s network of microfinance institutions and provide we are responsible financial services that enables low-income entrepreneurs and small business owners to invest in their future. The majority owner of the network is Maal Microfinance L.T.D International, a microfinance and social enterprise not-for-profit leader dedicated to creating economic inclusion for the poor.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D allows people to better provide for their families.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D allows for an added level of resiliency in the country. Even when households are able to work their way out of poverty, it often takes just one adverse event to send them right back into it. It’s often a health care issue that causes a return to poverty. By allowing entrepreneurs to become more resilient through their own efforts at their own business, it gives them the opportunity to make it through times of economic difficulty.
Most of the households that take advantage of the Maal Microfinance L.T.D offers that are available in Somalia live in what would be considered “abject poverty
By offering Maal Microfinance L.T.D products that can be repaid with that remaining %, more households have got the opportunity to expand their current opportunities so that more income accumulation may occur.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D serves people who are often overlooked in society.
In Somalia, the primary recipient of microloans tends to be women. Up to 95% of some loan products are extended by microfinance institutions are given to women. Those with disabilities, those who are unemployed, and even those who simply beg to meet their basic needs are also recipients of microfinance products that can help them take control of their own lives.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D offers a better overall loan repayment rate than traditional banking products.
When people are empowered, they are more likely to avoid defaulting on a loan. Women are also statistically more likely to repay a loan than men are, which is another reason why women are targeted in the Maal Microfinance L.T.D. There’s also the fact that for many who receive a microloan, it is their only real chance to get themselves out of poverty, so they’re not going to mess things up.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D provides families with an opportunity to provide an education to their children.
Children who are living in poverty are more likely to have missed school days or to not even be enrolled in school at all. This is because the majority of families who live in poverty are working in the agricultural sector. The families need the children to be working and productive so their financial needs can be met. By receiving Maal Microfinance L.T.D products, there is less of a threat of going without funding, and that means more opportunities for children to stay in school.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D creates the possibility of future investments.
The problem with poverty is that it is a cycle that perpetuates itself. When there is a lack of money, there is a lack of food. When there is a lack of clean water, there is a lack of sanitary living conditions. When people are suffering from malnutrition, they are less likely to work. A lack of sanitation creates the potential of illness that prevents working days.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D changes this by making more money available. When basic needs are met, families in Somalia can then invest into better wells, better sanitation, and afford the time it may take to access the health care they need.
As these basic needs are met, it also means that there are fewer interruptions to the routine. People can stay more productive. Kids can stay in school more consistently. Better healthcare can be obtained. This creates a lower average family size because there are more guarantees of survival in place.
And when that happens, the possibility of future investments will occur because there is more confidence in being able to meet basic needs.
Maal Microfinance L.T.D allows people to feel like they matter.
The feeling of receiving a credit product for the first time cannot be ignored. It’s a feeling like you’ve made it. That you really are somebody because you’ve been trusted with credit. This feeling applies to everyone, even in the developed world. When a person feels like they matter, it changes who they are at a core level. Instead of focusing on how they can just survive, then begin to look for ways to thrive.
Investment: Maal Microfinance L.T.D Somalia gives you the power to create your own financial freedom. Our loan products are simplified and personalized to suit your needs. We give you a range of options, and you can apply for and receive a loan within two working days.
Financial Information: We are a prosperous financial organization that provides both business sustainability and significant social effect. Our branches are located around the country to make it easier for our clients to obtain our services. Furthermore, we provide financial services through branchless channels, and our employees are committed to providing pleasant and competent service to our customers.
Channels: At Maal Microfinance L.T.D, we believe that client satisfaction is the driving force behind our company. We are constantly looking for innovative methods to provide high-quality services that satisfy our consumers. We employ a variety of creative delivery methods to provide services that are convenient, fast, dependable, and efficient all in one package.
Customer Support: At Maal Microfinance L.T.D, we understand that customer service is a full team effort, not just the responsibility of frontline staff. Indeed, customer experience is every employee’s responsibility and thus Maal Microfinance L.T.D has put in place channels to obtain feedback and communicate with customers.
Bad Maal : Provide financing for fishers
In an attempt to reach poorer fisherfolk, Maal microfinance LTD in Somalia, we have developed a new savings product that targets the informal rotating savings and credit associations that many of the poor engage in. These informal associations, known as ‘tontine’ are now offered the possibility to deposit group savings into a special ‘tontine’ account.
This new product has tripled the total number of clients products and the additional resources are
almost equal to those mobilized through individual accounts.
We give loans to the interested fishermen who are interest at a low interest
Beer Maal: provide financing for agricultures
Agriculture being the major livelihood in rural areas in Somalia, Maal microfinance LTD have to get into agricultural financing in a bigger way. This is all true as we are adequately able to reach farmers and the cooperative credit system in Somalia.
For Maal microfinance LTD to be successful in agricultural financing, to be through MFIs, requires a change in the approach of Maal microfinance LTD. Maal microfinance LTD we design new financial products and get accustomed to repayments at harvest time, not weekly or monthly. They will have to learn to experiment with new channels such as farmers’ groups, input suppliers and output buyers. They will have to devise methods of risk mitigation such as weather based crop insurance and the use of commodity derivatives takes a credit plus approach. In order to ensure recovery of loans Maal microfinance LTD facilitates the farmers in increasing their productivity and reduce the risks. Maal microfinance LTD encourage local value addition through lending to agro-processing enterprises, many of which may not be “micro”.
Maal microfinance LTD introduces other services for its crop loan borrowers – productivity enhancement and market linkages. After building a good crop credit customer base of 30 to 50 engaged in a common crop in a village, the Maal microfinance LTD field staff interact with the farmers to identify issues requiring attention. Maal microfinance LTD conducted action research over two years using Integrated Pest Management techniques and came up with a package which has drastically reduced pesticide use and its associated costs.
Xoolo Maal: provide financing for livestock
Maal microfinance LTD and Livestock Support Programme
The programme has the aim of improving the livelihoods of smallholders and poor livestock owners in the relatively secure in Somalia, Maal microfinance LTD ‘s investment in the programme finances the provision of much-needed services, technological packages and quality inputs, including microcredit.
The programme address the need to meet the remaining demand for rural finance by providing a broader range of financial product services adapted to the needs of smallholders. It also tackle the issue of currently high interest rates by reducing lending costs and by promoting profitable business models in the livestock sector. The programme targets:
small-scale farmers and livestock-keepers who have or aspire to have land and/or livestock
women, particularly women who are heads of households
resettled or nomadic pastoralists
One of the objectives is to help shape policy that facilitates the access of the poorest rural people to microfinance services, promotes models of public-private partnerships in the delivery of livestock extension and veterinary services, and reaches out to nomadic.
The programme includes a focus on introducing new and innovative rural financial products and services for rural people who currently have little or no access to microfinance.
Bir Maal : Provide financing for small manufacturing
Maal microfinance LTD Provides financial services for small-scale manufacturers. This is a powerful tool for poverty reduction, enabling poorer households to build assets, increase incomes and reduce their vulnerability to economic stress and external shocks. Maal microfinance LTD helps rural households to plan and manage consumption and investments, cope with risks and improve their living conditions, health and education by smoothing household cash flow and increasing disposable family income. Maal microfinance LTD also helps in reduce poverty effectively in the long term, Maal microfinance LTD is sustainable and have a wide outreach, and provide services and products that address and suit the needs of poor people and their enterprises.
The rural poor and their forest-based enterprises need a variety of financial services, not only microcredit but also savings, credit, leasing, insurance and cash transfers. To successfully address these needs, microfinance services must be convenient, flexible, of easy and rapid access, and reasonably priced.
Maal microfinance LTD provides services can be facilitated by business development services. These services can help build financial and business management capacity of rural households, improve their technical skills, provide local support services for enterprises with emphasis on marketing, and establish linkages between forest communities and microfinance services.
Marwo Maal: Provide financing for women
Empowering women by financing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Many micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are women-led and owned, so providing them with better financial options will improve women’s livelihoods and incomes. In Somalia, The assistance will give women in Somalia and women-led access to much-needed long-term financing to develop their livelihoods and incomes.
Delivering access to education as well as finance for rural women.
Maal microfinance LTD is helping rural women gain financial independence and empowering them to make good decisions. In Somalia around 45% of the rural population lacks credit access, especially women who usually have neither physical collateral nor the education needed to organize their finances. Maal microfinance LTD provides microcredit to poor rural households, targeting at least 121,000 women borrowers and includes measures to improve their financial planning skills and literacy.
Muruq Maal: provide financing for youth
Youth still face many barriers in accessing financial services, including restrictions in the legal and regulatory environment, inappropriate and inaccessible products and services, and low financial capabilities. Overcoming these barriers and achieving successful youth financial inclusion requires a multi-stakeholder approach that engages financial institutions like Maal microfinance LTD, we do this by encouraging youths to make youth groups that helps them to get loans with us with a low interest. The group much be register by government and has a managing body.
Maan Maal: provide financing for education
The Most Powerful Weapon for Changing the World: How Maal microfinance LTD Can Increase Access to Education
Education may be the “silver bullet” of development. It is, as Nelson Mandela described it, the “most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Increase access to quality education for children and adults, and the knock-on effects can be profound – on health, women’s and girls’ opportunities, technology, and the growth of a prosperous middle class and a knowledge economy.
But increasing both the level of access and quality of education among low-income populations in poor somalia is as difficult as it is worthwhile. Within often tight fiscal constraints
We give loans to parents who may wish to take their children to school but they can not afford to pay at the time the schools needs the fees. So we discuss with the parents when to pay the loan.
Poor access to education can be addressed on both the supply and demand side, through either financial or non-financial services. On the supply side, this means improving the financial capacity and efficiency of the education system. Maal microfinance LTD also gives Loans to schools, vocational colleges and training centres the investment capital to address overcrowding, insufficient or outdated educational material, poor physical infrastructure, and other challenges that limit both school access and student educational attainment, including school drop-out.
On the demand side, barriers to school entry disproportionately impact the poorest children and youth, increasing their probability of never entering the education system or dropping out before completion. Education finance products can include education loans for students and their families to pay for tuition fees, transportation, exam-related preparation expenses, or uniforms and other school materials. Dedicated savings products can absorb the shock of periodic household expenses related to school fees, uniforms, school material or books. Micro-insurance products can be linked to education saving plans or loan products to cover school fees for children in specific circumstances, such as the death or disability of a parent. Remittance programmes can encourage migrants to use remittances for
Hanti Maal : provide financing for small business
Starting your own company can be a daunting but rewarding process. While a great business plan is crucial for founders, financing is one of the most important elements a company needs to succeed.
However, financing a startup or small business can be a difficult, drawn-out process, especially for those with poor credit. While there is no standard minimum credit score you must have to get a business loan, traditional lenders have a range they consider acceptable.
“We look for borrowers who have been fiscally responsible, but we understand that unfortunate things happen to good people and businesses,” “We seek to understand what happened and assess its relevance.”[Want help choosing the right small business loan for you? Check out our buying guide.]
We give Venture capitalists
Venture capitalists (VCs) are an outside group that takes part ownership of the company in exchange for capital. The percentages of ownership to capital are negotiable and usually based on a company’s valuation.
The benefits of a VC are not all financial. The relationship you establish with a VC can provide an abundance of knowledge, industry connections and a clear direction for your business.
“A lot of entrepreneurs lack the skills needed to grow a business, and even though they can make money through sales, understanding how to grow a company will always be a lost cause in the beginning,”
Partner financing
With strategic partner financing, another player in your industry funds the growth in exchange for special access to your product, staff, distribution rights, ultimate sale or some combination of those items.
“Strategic funding acts like venture capital in that it is usually an equity sale (not a loan), though sometimes it can be royalty-based, where the partner gets a piece of every product sale,” she added.
Partner financing is a good alternative because the company you partner with is usually going to be a large business and may even be in a similar industry, or an industry with an interest in your business.