Early marriage Child marriage in the form of early and or forced marriage is the second most significant barrier to girl child education in South-Central Somalia, 29.2% of the survey respondents said early and forced marriage is a big threat to girl child education as it ends their dream of education plunging them into mother and caretaker roles hence hindering their chances of progressing in schools.

The issue of early marriage is a patriarchal aspect of the Somali tradition that glorifies marriage and “insulates” parents from future shame emanating from their daughters. According to KIIs with education managers, mothers encourage girls to marry early thus threatening their education. More often than not girls are married while still teenagers and when they are married, they assume family responsibilities of housewife and taking care of children, thus cannot continue with learning as they will inevitably quit schools.

Child marriage (early and forced) is a big threat to retention and progression of the girl child in Somaville University . Further, this phenomenon has the net effect of exacerbating an existential negative mindset as regards benefits accruing from girl child education. It is recommended that education programs target mothers with girls in Somaville University s so as to dissuade them from influencing Somaville University  girls negatively.

Avenues to build confidence of girls in Somaville University s include the formation of clubs in Somaville University s where girls are encouraged and mentored to express themselves effectively on issues surrounding them, and parent days in Somaville University s where performing girls are rewarded so as to inspire parents to keep girls in Somaville University .