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Friday, March 28, 2025

Dooro Luuqad —


    SOMTEL Launch Center to Improve the practical skills of the Somali graduates

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    By: Mohamud Abdi Mohamud (Fat)

    On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, the Somtel, leading Somali telecommunication company has officially launched the Somtel Technology Training Center (STTC) in Mogadishu for the Somali university graduates to get advanced skills training.

    The inauguration ceremony of the technology center was attended by senior Somtel officials, heads of local universities, teachers and the Director of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and other dignitaries.

    “It’s our responsibility to invest in place where the young students could be properly trained and prepared. We have seen before university graduates whom we have tested three times for employment to have not reached the desired level, and then, we have provided them with further training.”  Adan Haji Yusuf Ibrahim, Somtel Deputy CEO and Operations Chief pointed out.

    He further mentioned that as part of corporate social responsibility for our country, that have prompted Somtel to design investing $ 1.9 million in this fully equipped technology institute facility that will offer free practical training for the graduate students.  He expected the universities will benefit from the technology institute in an open and equitable manner.

    “In order the graduate students get access to employment, they need to be equipped with necessary practical skills in addition to their general knowledge. This will increase their chances of finding jobs.”  Dr. Mohamed Yusuf Omar, President of Somali International University (SIU) stated at the opening event.

    Dr. Mohamed Nasir, one of Mogadishu University Managers appreciated Somtel for responding to the needs of the Somali graduate students for practical technology skills training.

    “Dahabshil Group are consisting of ten companies, we will open up other training facilities, we are working on Oil & Gas, internet cables and moving on, there will be needs of trainings for all those systems. The launching of Dahab Marina Beach Estate program in Mogadishu will build 4,000 beautiful houses at the beach, you can imagine the work, the staff, the resources and the people who will be working on it.” Omar Hassan Mohamed, Deputy Managing Director of Dahabshil Group South Central Somalia stated at the opening event.

    In his official opening remarks, Ismail Yusuf Osman, Director of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education has commended Somtel for its role in advancing education in the country and enriching Somali students.

    “Somtel has come up with an excellent initiative, currently our universities are in need to be supported in order our country to catch up with the prevailing international standard.” Ismail Yusuf Osman, Director of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education pointed out.

    The Somtel Technology Training Center provided by Somtel company is mainly intending to further prepare and train the Somali students, especially those who have graduated from the Faculties of Computer Science, Telecom & Electrical Engineering. The training center is completely equipped with all the necessary materials for the students to receive practical training.

    After four days of its launching, the Somtel Technology Training Institute has started operational on Monday, May 30th, 2022 with practical training for the first batch of one hundred graduate students from the Somali International University (SIU) and Jamhuuriya University (JUST) that are based in Mogadishu.

    The six- month long training which will be offering 10 specializations related with engineering and IT will be facilitated by experienced engineers provided by the Somtel company.

    Adan Haji Yusuf Ibrahim, Somtel Deputy CEO and Operations Chief speaking at the startup of the practical training program reiterated the significance of this training program indicating that Somtel will continue to provide such trainings, and announced that the company will soon introduce other advanced trainings.

    Eng. Muhudin Ali Yusuf, Deputy CTO pointed out that Somtel has made formal assurances to the Somali graduate students.

    “We will make sure that the practical training offered at the Institute will be seriously provided to all the graduate students in Somalia, we hope they will be professional by the end of the course.”  Eng. Muhudin Ali Yusuf, Deputy CTO explained.

    Eng. Mohamed Khalif, Dean of the faculty of Engineering and Computer Technology, SIU University said “This Institutue will make positive change in the professions of the students. Graduate students are used to seek practical skills for one year to find jobs in the market, but now with practical trainings at this well-equipped Somtel institute, its expected students will be better prepared to enter into the job market straight away.”

    Furthermore, the students from the SIU and Jamhuuriya universities expressed their pleasure and appreciation to be the first beneficiaries receiving practical technology trainings at the Somtel Institute, and enter the market with improved professional quality.

    In conclusion, the Somtel Technology Training Center is the first of its type ever set up by a business company, providing free technology education to the Somali university graduates.

    Similarly, the company has been the first to initiate and launch an internship program for the young Somali graduates for finding possible job opportunities.

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