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    Greta Thunberg says ‘COP26 is a failure,’ as she leads Glasgow protests

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    06 November 2021

    GLASGOW, Scotland — Young activists were the focus of the United Nations climate summit on Friday, both within the halls of the conference center and in protests on the streets of Glasgow.

    While thousands of activists marched in the streets of Glasgow on Friday, police intervention appeared minimal.

    A taxi driver said he had never seen so many police officers, and they were “all standing around not doing anything.”

    Police Scotland had not reported any arrests related to the protests as of 5:15 p.m. At least one rowdier protester was escorted from the crowd while youth activists gave speeches.

    If anything, Greater Glasgow Police seemed more concerned about potential accidents from fireworks that would be set off in the evening for Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night.

    The security presence was much heavier earlier in the week, during the World Leaders Summit. Police blocked off a street and contained crowds for more than three hours, according to those on the ground.

    A larger protest, attracting a diverse range of groups under the banner of “climate justice,” is planned for Saturday.

    The Washington Post

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