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Sunday, August 18, 2024


    Rocket reportedly fired from Lebanon towards Israel

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    According to Lebanese security officials, unknown terrorists launched at least one rocket from southern Lebanon towards Israel on Thursday.

    The rocket’s shooting site has not yet been established, according to unidentified sources, but preliminary evidence indicates it landed in the “occupied Palestinian territories,” a reference to Israel.

    According to the sources, Israeli soldiers retaliated by firing two rounds on the town of Majidieh near the Israeli border.

    According to Anadolu, the Lebanese army has deployed in Kafrchouba, southern Lebanon, to seek for the rocket launcher platform.

    The Israeli army, for its part, denied firing any rockets into Israeli territory, instead stating that the incident was caused by an old landmine on the Lebanese side of the border.

    After two decades of occupation, the Israeli army announced its pullout from most of southern Lebanon in May 2000.

    It does, however, continue to occupy the Shebaa Farms, a minor territory claimed by Lebanon.

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