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Sunday, September 29, 2024


    African Union Launches New Initiative to Boost Food Security

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    Somali Magazine

    ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – The African Union (AU) has launched a new initiative to boost food security on the continent. The initiative, known as the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), aims to double agricultural production and incomes by 2030.

    CAADP was launched in 2003, but it has been slow to gain traction. However, the AU is now committed to making CAADP a success. At the AU summit in June 2023, AU leaders pledged to increase their investment in agriculture to 10% of their national budgets.

    CAADP is a comprehensive approach to agricultural development. It covers a wide range of issues, including;

    • Increasing investment in agriculture

    • Improving access to land and water

    • Boosting research and development

    • Strengthening agricultural extension services

    • Reducing trade barriers

    CAADP is being implemented by individual African countries. Each country has developed a CAADP investment plan that outlines its specific goals and how it will achieve them.

    The AU is providing support to countries in implementing their CAADP investment plans. This support includes providing technical assistance, financing, and advocacy.

    CAADP has already had a positive impact on food security in Africa. For example, in Ethiopia, CAADP has helped to increase agricultural production by 50% in the past decade.

    However, there are still many challenges to overcome. For example, many African countries still do not invest enough in agriculture. Additionally, many African farmers lack access to land, water, and credit.

    Despite these challenges, the AU is confident that CAADP can help to achieve food security in Africa. The AU is committed to providing support to countries in implementing their CAADP investment plans, and it is working to mobilize resources from the international community.

    The African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is a bold initiative to boost food security on the continent. CAADP is still in its early stages of implementation, but it has already had a positive impact on food production in some countries.

    The success of CAADP will depend on the commitment of African governments to invest in agriculture and to create an enabling environment for farmers to thrive. The international community can also play a role by supporting CAADP through financial assistance and technical assistance.

    If CAADP is successful, it will have a transformative impact on Africa. It will help to reduce poverty, improve nutrition, and create jobs. It will also help to make Africa more resilient to climate cha


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