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    Somalia provides extra land to China for embassy expansion.

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    Mogadishu, February 27, 2024 — As a show of peace and friendship, the Somali government has donated extra territory to China’s embassy in Somalia, allowing for the building of a new and larger embassy with numerous ministries and services.

    The allocation ceremony took place on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, and was attended by senior officials from both sides. Mrs Fardowsa Isman Egal, Somalia’s Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, handed over the land to Chen Wendi, Chargé d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy. Other authorities that attended the event were the director of civil aviation, Ahmed Maalin Hassan, the head of the airport authority, Mohamed Said Abdullahi, and officials from Somalia’s minister of foreign affairs.

    Mrs Fardowsa Isman Egal, Somalia’s minister of transport and civil aviation, stated that the allocation was made to promote the country’s historical bilateral relationship with China, as well as to recognize China’s commitment to Somalia’s development and humanitarian assistance. She also asked the groups occupying the area to vacate as soon as possible so that the new Chinese embassy could be built. She stated that the new embassy will strengthen the Chinese embassy’s services to the public, including visa processing and commercial facilitation.

    Chen Wendi, Chargé d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy, expressed thanks and acceptance of the allotment. He stated that the new site will allow the embassy to extend its operations and better serve the interests of both countries. He also congratulated Minister Fardowsa, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Civil Aviation, and Somalia’s Airport Authority for their cooperation and assistance.

    He stated that the allocation will promote cooperation and brotherhood between Somalia and China, and that China will continue to support Somalia in its quest of peace and development.

    The provision of additional land to the Chinese embassy underlines Somalia’s strong and enduring engagement with China, which stretches back to the 1960s. China has been a major contributor to the development of key institutions in Somalia, such as hospitals, stadiums, the national theater, and government buildings. China has also supplied humanitarian aid to Somalis on several times, particularly during the country’s droughts and famines. China has also granted scholarships to Somali students seeking higher education in China.

    Somalia and China share a vision of fostering regional peace and prosperity, and they have collaborated on a variety of areas of mutual concern, including counterterrorism, piracy, commerce, and investment. The two nations have also backed each other in international organizations such as the United Nations and the African Union.

    The new Chinese embassy in Somalia will be a symbol of the two nations’ friendship and solidarity, as well as a platform for greater collaboration and communication.

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