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Saturday, September 28, 2024


    Ethiopia : Tragedy Strikes as Boat Disaster Claims Lives.

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    Somali Magazine – People’s Magazine

    In the Amhara region of northern Ethiopia, a devastating boat disaster unfolded, claiming the lives of at least 19 people. On a fateful Saturday, a wooden vessel was ferrying passengers across the Tekeze River from the district of Sehela Selemnt to Zquala district. The passengers were en route to attend a funeral when the boat encountered a flash flood and tragically capsized.

     Fatalities and Survivors

    The disaster struck with 26 passengers on board. Tragically, 12 people drowned, with their bodies yet to be fully recovered from the water at the time of reporting. Amidst the tragedy, there were survivors, including a severely wounded child who was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.

    Ethiopia Boat disaster that left 19 casualties.
    Ethiopian Boat Disaster

    Ethiopia’s Delayed Bridge Construction

    The incident occurred near an out-of-use bridge that spans the Tekeze River. The completion of this bridge had been delayed, a factor that left the community reliant on less safe modes of river crossing and vulnerable to such accidents. This delay has exacerbated the dangers faced by local residents, as evidenced by this tragic event.

    Ethiopia ‘s Restricted Media Access

    Access to northern Ethiopia remains heavily restricted by authorities, posing significant challenges for obtaining comprehensive information about the disaster. The limited media coverage has made it difficult to assess the full impact and circumstances surrounding the incident.

    This heartbreaking event highlights the vulnerabilities faced by communities in the Amhara region, particularly due to infrastructural delays and the natural hazards of the area. The tragedy underscores the urgent need for improved safety measures and infrastructural development to prevent such disasters in the future.

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