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Sunday, August 18, 2024


    In Las Anod town, there is fierce fighting once more

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    On Tuesday morning in the Sool area, fierce combat broke out between Somaliland forces and SSC-Khatumo fighters in Las Anod town.

    Due to the fact that both sides got additional forces on Tuesday, locals claimed the combat was more fierce than it was on Monday in the town.

    The conflict started yesterday in Mount Sayyid, where it is now raging.

    Unverified claims state that Somaliland military troops have joined the SSC.

    The communications minister for Puntland, Mohamud Ayid Dirir, told the media that Puntland had provided unwavering support for the ongoing conflict in Las Anod.

    Doctors and officials said that at least 34 people were killed in fighting between military and anti-government rebels on Monday in a contested town in Somaliland, the country’s northern breakaway territory.

    Armed men attacked army bases and governmental offices in Las Anod early on Monday morning, the government of Somaliland claimed on Twitter. It claimed to have stopped the attack and blamed unidentified “traditional authorities” of recruiting the assailants.

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