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Tuesday, August 20, 2024


    New Setback on the ongoing Parliamentary Poll in Somalia due to lack of chairman in the federal ‘s electoral committee

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    Since The Seven Days Meeting In MogadishuHeld   By The   PM And The   Regional State   Leaders   In Order     To Develop New  Roadmap Of   The   Remaining   Parliamentary   Seats, Only Southwest State Has So Far Declared 11 Seats To   Be Held At The Region ‘S   Headquarter, Badio.

    The Deadline To Be Concluded   The   Rest Of The Seats Across The Country Might Be   Suppress According To Political Analysts.

    The Previous Chair Of The Committee Mr. Mohamed Ciro, Who Is Still Active Member Of The Body   Has   Been   Sacked By The PM, The Move That   Promoted A   New Confrontation Of The Country ‘S   Top Leaders   The President And His Primnister.

    Mr. Ciro Was   Accused of Lack   Of Credibility In The Democratic Process By The   Opposition Parties Two Weeks Ago Before His Termination.

    Consequently, Political Affliction Has   Emerged In The Country   Since Then However But, In The Next Week   The Committee Is Expected   To Select One Member Among Them.

    The Federal   Election Committee   Dubbed FIET Is Mandated To   Coordinate The General   Elections Of   The Country And To Monitor It   As Well.

    According To Anonymous   Politicians In The Government   Spoken To The Media Expressed New Undermine In   The Process Due To The Suspension of The Committee’s Top Official.

    However, In Next  Week According To The Last Deadlock, The Committee Is Expected To Select A   New Chairman   Among Them, But   The New   Chairman   Needs   Full Orientations To Adapt to The Process.

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