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    Shueib Ali Warsame: CEO and Founder of Maandeeq Air is Among Somali Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Somali People 2024

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    Shueib Ali Warsame: CEO and Founder of Maandeeq Air is Among Somali Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Somali People 2024

    Somali Magazine is proud to announce that Shueib Ali Warsame, the visionary CEO and founder of Maandeeq Air, has been named to the prestigious list of the 100 Most Influential Somali People for the second consecutive year. Warsame’s unwavering commitment to revolutionizing domestic air travel in Somalia and his remarkable leadership have cemented his position as a key figure in the country’s aviation industry.

    Under Warsame’s dynamic leadership, Maandeeq Air has become a trusted name in Somali aviation, contributing to the country’s economic development and national connectivity. His innovative approach and strategic vision have led the airline to win multiple awards, including the Airline of the Year Award in 2023, which was voted for by the people of Somalia at the Muqdisho Awards.

    Warsame’s impact extends beyond the aviation sector. With a background in both business and conflict resolution, he has used his skills to foster growth and development within Somalia. His leadership has driven Maandeeq Air’s expansion, including the opening of new airports and routes that have connected underserved regions of the country.

    This recognition is a testament to Shueib Ali Warsame’s leadership, vision, and dedication to improving Somalia’s air travel sector and contributing to the nation’s overall development. His inclusion in Somali Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Somali People list is a reflection of his exceptional achievements and ongoing commitment to progress.

    Shueib Ali Warsame, he is a visionary leader and entrepreneur in the avia9on industry. With a passion for avia9on from an early age, Warsame has dedicated his career to revolu9onizing domestic air travel in Somalia. He has been able to run the number one voted airline in the country since 2015 and he con9nues to grow his company along with his team of hardworking team players.Warsame’s educa9onal journey began at Ahmed Gurey Secondary School, where he completed his secondary education. Recognizing the importance of higher educa9on, he pursued a Bachelor of Business Administra9on from Somalia University, acquiring a strong founda9on in business principles and management.Driven by a desire to broaden his knowledge and skills, Warsame pursued further educa9on and obtained a Master’s degree in Conflict Resolution and Management from KIU (Kesmonds Interna9onal University) located in Cameroon. This advanced degree equipped him with valuable insights into conflict resolu9on strategies and effec9ve management techniques, which have proven instrumental in his leadership role.


    Warsame’s professional journey in the aviation industry started in 2010 when he began working in packing and reservations. With dedica9on and a strong work ethic, he quickly advanced within the industry, taking on roles such as station manager, operations manager, finance manager, and deputy general manager. These experiences provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the avia9on sector, from customer service to opera9ons and finance.

    In 2015, fueled by his extensive experience and unwavering entrepreneurial spirit, Warsame founded Maandeeq Air. His vision was to establish a domes9c airline that would connect the people and communi9es of Somalia, fostering economic growth and development. Under his leadership, Maandeeq Air has grown from a modest airline to a prominent player in the domes9c aviation market. Winning the airline of the year award 2023 which was voted for by the people of Somalia at the Muqdisho awards.


    Warsame’s leadership style is characterized by a strategic and democra9c approach. He believes in accountability, productivity, collabora9on, and transparency as essential principles for effec9ve leadership. He empowers and supports his team, providing them with opportuni9es for growth and development. Warsame is also known for his inclusive and collabora9ve approach, ac9vely involving his team and fostering a sense of belonging.

    As the CEO of Maandeeq Air, Warsame has achieved several notable milestones. Before founding the airline, he made a significant impact in the medical and hospital field, opening his own successful hospital which is s9ll up and running to this date. This experience not only showcased his entrepreneurial acumen but also highlighted his commitment to serving the community.

    Under Warsame’s leadership, Maandeeq Air has experienced remarkable growth and expansion. The airline has continually invested in its fleet, upgrading to modern aircraft equipped with the latest technology and amenities. By expanding its route network, Maandeeq Air has played a pivotal role in connec9ng various cities and towns throughout Somalia, contribu9ng to economic development and na9onal connectivity.

    Maandeeq Air, under the leadership of CEO Shueib Ali Warsame, has played a pivotal role in expanding air travel accessibility within Somalia. The airline has been at the forefront of opening new airports and pioneering inaugural flights to previously underserved des9na9ons across the country. Through strategic planning and collabora9on with local authori9es, Maandeeq Air has successfully established air routes to regions where air connec9vity was limited or non-existent. By deploying their modern and efficient aircra^, Maandeeq Air has not only connected these regions to the rest of Somalia but has also facilitated economic development by enabling increased trade, tourism, and access to essen9al services. The airports opened by the work of the CEO and his airline include: BULE BERDE, JOWHAR, JALALAQSI, XUDUR, GARBAHAREY, LUUQ, ELBERDE, DHOBLEY, AFMADOW, YEED, DIINSOOR, BALAMBAL, GALKACYO, BARAWE, BURDHUBO, BAXDO.

    These achievement highlights the airline’s commitment to enhancing na9onal connec9vity and its contribu9on to the growth and development of Somalia.

    The success of Maandeeq Air can be aaributed, in part, to Warsame’s ability to leverage his ideas and transform them into tangible outcomes. His forward-thinking approach and willingness to take calculated risks have enabled the airline to expand its operations, open new routes, and create opportunities for growth. Warsame’s ability to manage and execute his ideas has played a crucial role in Maandeeq Air’s achievements and its posi9on as a leading domes9c airline in Somalia.


    The mission of Maandeeq Air is to connect the people and communi9es of Somalia through safe, reliable, and convenient domestic air travel. The airline aims to exceed passengers’ expecta9ons and contribute to the growth and development of the nation.

    By choosing Maandeeq Air, passengers can expect exceptional service, convenience, comfort, and reliability. The airline’s commitment to mee9ng the travel needs of the people of Somalia has made it a trusted and respected name in the domestic aviation industry.


    In the past year, under the dynamic leadership of CEO Shueib Ali Warsame, Maandeeq Air has made significant advancements in its mission to expand interna9onally and enhance its service offerings, successfully fulfilling his ambitious future plans in under a year. One of the most notable achievements was being selected to transport mul9ple VIPs, including the President and Prime Minister, to various des9na9ons across Somalia. This responsibility underscores our growing reputation as a trusted airline for high-profile travel.

    Addi9onally, we proudly carried the winners of the na9onal football tournament to Galmudug free of charge, celebra9ng their achievement and reinforcing our commitment to community support. Our collabora9on with the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Transport also flourished; we accompanied Minister Fardowsa Osman Egal to the “Bandigga Waxqabadka Xukuumadda DanQaran 2022-2024”, where we showcased the developments in Somalia’s aviation sector.

    Our dedica9on to excellence was recognized when we were awarded Best Passenger Opera9ons by the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Transport, a testament to our commitment to safety, reliability, and customer service. We also par9cipated in the Somali Tourism Expo, where we distributed mul9ple free 9ckets and discount cards, expressing our gra9tude to our loyal customers.

    This year marked the successful launch of our new Nairobi route, facilitated by the addi9on of a state- of-the-art Fokker 70 jet to our fleet, which significantly enhances our opera9onal capacity. Furthermore, we expanded our network with the introduc9on of a new route to Hargeisa, further connec9ng Somalia and improving travel op9ons for our passengers.

    As we con9nue to grow, CEO Shueib Ali Warsame remains focused on fostering innova9on and community engagement, ensuring that Maandeeq Air is not only a leader in the avia9on industry but also a valued partner in Somalia’s development. His ability to realize these future plans in such a short 9meframe is a testament to his vision and leadership.


    Looking ahead, Maandeeq Air remains commiaed to its vision of growth and innova9on under the leadership of CEO Shueib Ali Warsame. Our future plans are centered around expanding our interna9onal footprint and enhancing the overall travel experience for our passengers.
    One of the primary objectives is to introduce addi9onal international routes, connecting Somalia to key cities in the region and beyond. This expansion will not only facilitate travel for our customers but also promote trade and tourism, contributing to Somalia’s economic development.

    To support this growth, we plan to further enhance our fleet by acquiring more modern aircraft, including larger jets, which will allow us to increase capacity and improve service quality. Investing in new technology and efficient aircraft will ensure that we maintain the highest standards of comfort, safety, and reliability.

    In addition, we aim to strengthen our commitment to customer service by implemen9ng more personalized travel op9ons and loyalty programs. Our goal is to create an unparalleled travel experience that meets the diverse needs of our passengers.

    Maandeeq Air also intends to engage more actively with the community and industry stakeholders. We plan to participate in various events and ini9a9ves that promote the avia9on sector in Somalia and beyond, showcasing our dedica9on to collabora9on and innova9on.

    As we move forward, CEO Shueib Ali Warsame envisions a future where Maandeeq Air not only leads the avia9on industry within Somalia but also establishes itself as a respected player on the interna9onal stage. Through strategic planning, con9nuous improvement, and a focus on customer sa9sfac9on, we are poised to achieve new heights in the coming years


    “In reflecting on a year of remarkable achievements, I am proud of Maandeeq Air’s journey and the growth we’ve made together. Our commitment to expanding interna9onally and enhancing the passenger experience is stronger than ever. Recent expansions, including new routes and modern aircraft, are just the beginning. We aim to ensure that every journey with us is marked by comfort, safety, and excep9onal service. I extend my hearlelt gra9tude to our loyal customers and dedicated team. Together, we are not just an airline; we are a catalyst for progress in Somalia.

    As we continue to innovate, I invite you to join us on this exci9ng journey. The best is yet to come for Maandeeq Air. Thank you for choosing us.”

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