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Monday, August 19, 2024


    Somali State President Mustafa Omer Meets with Korean and World Food Programme Delegations

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    Somali Magazine  – Mustafe Mohammed Omer, President of the Somali Region State, discussed the World Food Programme with a top delegation from South Korea (WFP).

    Mustafe met with South Korean lawmakers and a World Food Programme group to examine the region’s humanitarian crisis.

    In addition, he briefed the team, led by South Korean parliament member Lee Jae Jung, on the help being supplied to individuals in the region impacted by drought.

    South Korean parliamentarians and World Food Programme officials praised the regional government’s efforts to give emergency food assistance to displaced individuals as positive.

    According to the regional government’s information department, the group insisted on playing their role in assisting citizens and collaborating with the Somali regional state government on sustainable development projects.

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