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Wednesday, October 2, 2024


    The Launch of Somali Magazine platform: The National Forum On Oil And Gas By: The Somali Magazine In Conjunction With Somaville University Faculty Of Petroleum Engineering

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    Somali Magazine has launched the biggest platform in Somalia and the first beneficiaries were the Somaville University under the faculty of petroleum engineering showcasing the development and Significance of the faculty to the Nation, we have a very unique integral part of your design workflow, From InDesign to your website and marketing channels, Somali Magazine connects your content with your audience, wherever they are.

    Our integrations automate your processes and make sure everyone on your team always has access to your latest
    designs, this made us to have the biggest grand opening of Somali Magazine Platform “showcasing the development of higher education” in Somalia, Somaville University offers a Petroleum Engineering, Our Honorable Guests were a government official, Business tycoons a senior university lecturer, Scholars, Civil Society and Students participated
    the event, Somaville University is one of the leading universities in Somalia the only university in Somalia whose student have graduated the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering

    The CEO of Somali Magazine Ridwan Yusuf

    Mr. Ridwan Yusuf the CEO of Somali Magazine welcomed the Guest of honorees and he started his speech elaborating the objectives of Somali magazine Platform which he said “the Main objectives of the Somali Magazine platform is to showcase the development of businesses, Education and Health Service Development as well”.


    Somalia is one of the few remaining frontiers oil and gas exploration territories and the Somalia federal government is promoting its advancement by launching its first ever offshore licensing round.

    Since the late 60s, civil unrest has prohibited the exploitation of Somalia’s offshore oil and gas resources. Now, however, after several years of relative peace, the government is making a bid to attract foreign investment to develop the country’s oil and gas riches.

    Somaville University foresights a great potential in the field oil and gas sector, therefore, we as the first university under the faculty of engineering offers the course of Oil and Gas Exploration. The Course was initiated in 2016, so far we have managed to successfully hold the graduation of our first bachelors in Oil and Gas Exploration students.

    The Honorable Guests present included, Dahir Mohamud Gelle, a Presidential Candidate of Federal Republic of Somalia, Eng. Abdirashid Ahmed a Minister of Petroleum and Mining of Federal Republic of Somalia, Abdi Ahmed Kassim  State Minister of labor and Social Affairs , Isma’il Yusuf Director General of Higher Education of Ministry of education of the Federal Republic of Somalia they all cheered and encouraged the Somaville University Achievements to the Nation and they appreciate as well.

    The main topic of the Education platform “is Somalia Ready and Capable for oil and gas production” The guest of the platform was the only university which offers the faculty of Petroleum Engineering in Somalia whose students have graduated that faculty “SOMAVILLE UNIVERSITY” 

    The director of SOMALIVILLE UNIVERSITY Prof. Dr. Abdinur Sheikh Ahmed welcomed the guests and gave a brief information about Somaville university and how the university stated that faculty,

    Somaville University is a nonprofit, non-governmental educational institution, with its Head Quarters at Mogadishu.

    Somaville is multi-campus university the jurisdiction of the University extends to the area comprising of Benadir, Juba land, Somaliland, Puntland HiirShebelle State, South West State, Galmudug State, The University has created a reputation in the field of health sciences, engineering, humanities and law.

    Our vision is to be regionally recognized for distinctive excellence in education and research, an institution of choice for students and scholars and a catalyst for the sustainable socio-economic development of Somalia. The mission of the Somaville University is to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.


    While in the forum, we realized that, the world will always need energy. Petroleum engineers locate, recover and maintain the world’s oil and gas supplies. They use cutting-edge technology to create new methods of discovering and drilling for oil.

    There is also need for the environment. Many people don’t associate caring for the environment with Petroleum Engineering. As an engineer we realized that you can inspire change by being that change. Petroleum engineers provide the world with energy, while safeguarding the environment for future generations.

     Also, Somaville University department of Petroleum Engineering, pointed out that if you want to make a difference in the world. You want a job where what you do is vital to today’s economies. Petroleum engineers make the drilling process safer for people, communities, wildlife, and the environment. They also make it more efficient, and prices more affordable for customers. They ensure compliance with best practices, industry standards, and environmental and safety regulations, and contribute to energy independence. Energy is needed for everything.  Petroleum is needed not only for fuel and heat, but also oil serves as a raw material for the production of plastics, rubber, nylon, spandex, detergents, pharmaceutical drugs, clothing, cosmetics, perfumes, paints, bubble gum, and more.

    We also realized that if You’re a hard worker, but you also want to enjoy life. You can work hard and play hard too as an engineer. While the Engineering program at Somaville University is rigorous, we also understood that the value of a balanced education. The forum also encouraged students to attend conferences and participate in internships during their time at Somaville University. The faculty work closely with students to make sure they can graduate within 4-years.

     By taking Petroleum Engineering there is a possibility/chances to work amongst the best in the industry. When choosing a college, you want to make sure you can graduate on-time and that you’ll be prepared and ready for the workforce. Saint Francis University provides leading industry software, research experience starting as early as freshman year, weekly seminar series to interact with experts in the field, an emphasis on communication skills, and guidance from faculty on internships and job placements. The university graduates go into the field with experience using the tools that many others don’t get until graduate school.

    Dean Faculty of Petroleum Engineering at Somaville University

    The Speech of the Faculty Dean of Petroleum Engineering Akram Sharif presented a presentation about The Petroleum Engineering and the importance of the faculty

    I’m really honored to be here with you in this oil and gas forum.

    Today, I’m gonna speak about the significance of petroleum engineering. if we ask ourselves this simple question “can this modern life exist without oil & gas?”, then, of course, the answer will be “absolutely No”.

    In fact, crude oil & natural gas are the most important resources of most industries & have become the lifeblood of the world economy. Actually, petroleum has been found to make huge economic contributions to producing countries.

    Here, I can mention six main reasons for that:

    First, petroleum industry employs plenty of people in the producing country with usually high-payment above the average income. For instance, petroleum engineers’ payments can reach 150.000 dollars per year.

    Second, since crude oil & gas are sold in international markets, producing countries have the potential to earn & save foreign exchange in reserves. This, clearly, puts the country’s economy in healthy position & gives it the capacity to finance the foreign exchange cost of any further development programs.

    Third, governments can receive shares from companies producing crude oil or natural gas from the nation’s reserves. This amount is usually dependent on the volume of hydrocarbons produced.

    Fourth, petroleum production companies pay billions of dollars in taxes to the government of their host country. These funds help paying for important government services, such as education & health & provide perfect infrastructure that benefit the citizens of the country. For example, in 2013, Canada’s petroleum industry paid a total of $ 18 billion in the form of taxes & royalties.

    Fifth, natural gas can be used to generate electricity power and public usages, like cooking gas.

    Sixth, petroleum fluid could be used in petrochemical industry, such as plastics, synthetic fibers, detergent, & medicine.

    Therefore, having known that petroleum can benefit the Somali society through (1) Employment and Job Creation, (2) Provision of Foreign Exchange Reserves, (3) Royalties, (4) taxes, (5) Contribution to Power Supply and Public Utilities, (6) and petrochemical industry, our mission, (as the department of petroleum engineering at somaville university), is to provide the critical skills to serve Somalia in developing conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources while promoting cutting-edge education to improve resource recovery and foster the socially responsible development of earth’s resources.

    In the end, in order that Somalia prepare its people for the coming development steps, from this stage, as the head of petroleum engineering department, I appeal to the ministry of petroleum & minerals to raise the awareness among the people with the importance of petroleum engineering as well as to cooperate with our students by providing them enough data and by finding a way for them to get practically well-trained.

    The Somali Scholars Attended the Event and Government Officials as well business tycoons and Chair Persons of Local universities, Senior Lecturer and Students have equally welcomed the and Cheered the University improvement for the higher education in Somalia to become the first and only university in Somalia who offers a Petroleum engineering Faculty.

    Dahir Mohamed Gelle Presidential Candidate of Somali Federal Republic of Somalia 2021

    Dahir Mohamed Gelle Presidential Candidate of Somali Federal Republic of Somalia 2021 Congratulated the Students and encourage the Somaville University for the developing the higher education in somalia especially Faculty of Petroleum engineering,

    Minister of Petroleum Engineering and Mining of Federal Republic of Somalia Eng Cabdirashid Maxamed Axmed 

    The Minister Explained how important its to have a graduate Students for Petroleum engineering and mentioned that they are a great asset to the country

    Somalia is one of the few remaining frontiers oil and gas exploration territories and the Somalia federal government is promoting its advancement by launching its first ever offshore licensing round.

    Since the late 60s, civil unrest has prohibited the exploitation of Somalia’s offshore oil and gas resources. Now, however, after several years of relative peace, the government is making a bid to attract foreign investment to develop the country’s oil and gas riches.


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