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Saturday, August 17, 2024


    The Prime Minister congratulates workers on Labor Day.

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    Mogadishu, Somali Magazine. On International Labour Day, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre congratulated Somali workers and their families, recognizing their major contributions to the country’s progress and recovery.

    Prime Minister Barre praised the Somali laborers for their endurance and hard work, despite difficult circumstances. Their efforts, he said, are critical in sustaining the Somali people’s hope and optimism for the country’s revival.

    Prime Minister Barre emphasized his administration’s aims, stating that the government is committed to protecting the rights and safety of all workers, regardless of their job status with the government. He also stressed the government’s commitment to developing job opportunities, particularly for Somali youth, as part of a larger effort to boost economic growth and stability.

    As Somalia celebrates Labor Day, the Prime Minister’s speech serves as a reminder of its people’s lasting spirit and the collective progress being made toward a prosperous future.

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