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Saturday, July 27, 2024


    Former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has hailed the scheduled National Consultative gathering in Garowe.

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    Somali Magazine – Somalia’s former President, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo, has hailed the approaching National Consultative Council meeting in Garowe, Puntland State.

    In a message posted on his Facebook page, Farmaajo emphasised the importance of creating cohesiveness among the country’s political actors by holding a forum to discuss sensitive matters.

    He invited all former and present leaders to attend the summit in order to promote political unity and understanding in the wake of controversial elections and impending constitutional amendments.

    During a recent discussion with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Doha, Qatar, the former head of state emphasised the significance of full national engagement, with a focus on constitutional revisions, governance, and continued counter-terrorism measures to remove Al-Shabab.

    The former President urged both chambers of parliament to work together and refrain from enacting legislation that contradicted the established laws of the constitution.

    Farmaajo’s declaration comes a day after Puntland State President Said Abdullahi Deni declared that his government is organising a national forum to address critical issues at the national and state levels.

    This, he added, stemmed from a meeting with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Garowe during his inauguration ceremony, where Mohamud served as chief of guests.

    Former state and federal officials have already warned against unilaterally amending the Constitution.

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