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    Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing

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    Somali Magazine 30 Aug 2023- Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing
    Mogadishu, Wednesday, 30 August, 2023.

    1- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud praised the armed forces once again for the courage they showed during the military operations against the Khawarij al-Shabab, on the other hand he asked the people to give full support to the army.

    2- The 7th meeting of the National Consultative Council chaired by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud concluded in Dhusamareb and supported the fight against the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    3- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who spoke at the meeting of the National Consultative Council, called for the elimination of the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    4- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud praised Somali women for their role in the war to liberate the country from the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    5- The Speaker of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament Mr. Sheikh Adan Mohamed Noor has praised the Somali Armed Forces in the fight against the remnants of the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    6- The Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Hamsa Abdi Barre, has attended the closing ceremony of officers of the Somali National Army at the TurkSom Military Training College in Mogadishu.

    7- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre met with the Ambassador of Qatar to Somalia and discussed the cooperation between the two countries.

    8- Somalia’s Cabinet of Ministers has approved the appointment of three members of the Central Bank’s Executive Committee.

    9- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama, has held a meeting with the committee in charge of the stabilization programs for areas liberated from the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    10- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama inaugurated a conference on the coordination of humanitarian aid and donations.

    11- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia Mr. Abshir Omar Jama attended the BRICS summit in South Africa and met with some of the leaders who attended the summit.

    12- The Minister of Planning of Somalia, Mr. Mohamud Abdirahman, held a meeting with the Finance Committee of the People’s Assembly of the Parliament.

    13- The Ministry of Finance of Somalia has submitted the government’s audit report for the year 2022 to the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia.

    14- The National Army and international friends carried out an operation in Aw-Dheegle district in the Lower Shabelle region killing 27 Khawarij.

    15- The Chairman of the National Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA), Mr. Mohamud Macalin Abdulle chaired a meeting to discuss the stabilization and coordination of aid issues in the areas liberated from the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    16- The Somali Armed Forces have completely taken over Dac area in Galguduud region from Al Shabab terrorists.

    17- The Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Federal Government of Somalia has launched a plan for the ministry’s staff to play their part in the fight against the Kharijites Al Shabab, especially in social media.

    18- Hearring of corruption cases against government civil servants continues at The Banadir Regional Court in Mogadishu.

    19- The Chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority, Mr. Mohamud Macalin Abdulle, meets officials from Somalia Volunteering Work Forum in Mogadishu.

    20- Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs of Somalia Sheikh Mukhtar Robow met with Somali Islamic scholars and discussed the ways to eradicate Kharijites Al Shabab ideology and the strengthening of the awareness role of the scholars.
    21- The government of Somalia has signed a development agreement with the United States government worth $92.6 million, reflecting the ongoing cooperation between the two governments.

    22- The Somali Board of Standards Agency is holding the 2nd National Quality Infrastructure Conference in Mogadishu.

    23- The Director General of the Ministry of Information of Somalia, Mr. Abdillahi Hayir Duale, has opened a five days training session on coordinating media relations and combating Kharijites Al Shabab ideology, which is being attended by government agencies at the federal, regional and Banadir levels.

    24- The Ministry of Health of Somalia is strengthening the medical services it provides to the National Army and local people who are fighting against the Kharijites Al Shabab.

    25- The Special Envoy of the President of Somalia in charge of the East African Economic Cooperation (EAC), Ambassador Abdisalan Omar Hadliye, said that Somalia’s efforts to join this organization are in a good shape.

    26- The National Theatre and Public Guidance is organizing a literary competition to present the achievements of the fight against the Kharijites and the problems they cause to the society.

    27- The Security Forces and National Intelligence have carried out an operation in Jambalul area of the Lower Shabelle region and destroyed the Kharijites bogus court in that area.

    28- The National Army with the help of the local people has completely taken over El Bur District in Galgudud Region.

    29- The National Disaster Management Authority of SoDMA sent aid to the areas where the terrorists were removed.

    30- The new Director General of the Presidency Mr. Abdihakim Mohamed Yusuf has taken over his new role.

    31- The Office of the Auditor General has today released a report on compliance with the law, which applies to organizations that control government assets or provide public services.

    32- The Somali Armed Forces who took over the area of Cowswayne have paraded Abdirahman Foodey Kulmiye, and other militants who defected from Al Shabab and surrendered to the government.

    33- Al Shabab militant leader in charge of the killings and bombings in the Mudug region Nur Deeq Abdullahi Maalingur has surrendered to the Somali government.

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