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Thursday, October 24, 2024


    In Somalia, a joint initiative to conserve the environment and combat climate change has been initiated.

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    On Monday, Somalia, the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), and the UN began a coordinated effort to conserve the environment and mitigate the consequences of climate change.

    The effort, which was established to commemorate World Environment Day, aims to increase biodiversity and climate resilience while also assisting the country in combating repetitive cycles of disastrous droughts.

    In a joint statement made in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, Mohammed El-Amine Souef, special representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission for Somalia and head of ATMIS, stated that the AU mission will plant around 30,000 trees to serve Somalia by making it green by December 2024.

    The effort, which is in cooperation with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed’s Regreening Somalia Initiative, would see trees planted around 58 military bases by the time AU forces are scheduled to leave at the end of 2024.

    Aisa Kacyira, head of the UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) and Assistant Secretary-General, praised the UN’s purposeful efforts to reduce plastic pollution in order to repair Somalia’s ecosystem.

    According to Kacyira, the UN in Somalia continues to reduce plastic waste by prohibiting the use of plastic bags, reducing the use of plastic water bottles by providing water dispensers in offices and maintaining drinking water points within camps, providing waste bins for trash separation and recycling, and organising beach cleanups on a regular basis.

    Somalia’s Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Khadija Mohamed, praised ATMIS and the UN for their combined efforts in supporting the government’s endeavours to safeguard the diversified ecosystem.

    Somalia, according to minister, has a wonderful asset in that it has magnificent land, ocean, livestock, and agriculture. “However, years of conflict have had a negative impact on our ecosystem.”

    “We must stand together and act to combat pollution and plastics,” she continued.

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