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Friday, July 26, 2024


    Russia has withdrawn from the New START nuclear armaments deal.

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    President Vladimir Putin announced on Tuesday that Russia will withdraw from the sole remaining arms control deal with the United States.

    Putin told the Russian parliament, known as the Federal Assembly, in Moscow that the New START pact was signed in a fundamentally different political reality and no longer reflected the circumstances.

    He claimed that Washington implemented anti-Russia sanctions, preventing Moscow from conducting “unobstructed inspections” on US soil, resulting in “clear unilateral benefits for the American party.”

    He also stated that the data gathered by the American military during inspections may be given to the Ukrainian army in preparation for strikes on Russia’s strategic military facilities.

    Furthermore, Putin stated that by requesting that Russia resume inspections, NATO signaled its intention to join the treaty.

    “Please accept our agreement. Furthermore, we consider that such a statement has been long overdue. After all, NATO includes more than one nuclear power; the United States, the United Kingdom, and France all have nuclear arsenals “He stated.

    He claims that the United Kingdom and the United States are building nuclear capabilities aimed at Russia as well.

    “I am forced to declare today that Russia will withdraw from the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). I repeat: does not withdraw from the contract, but rather suspends participation in it “He stated.

    Putin stated that he is aware of the United States’ plans to test new nuclear weapons and has directed the Russian Defense Ministry to prepare to conduct nuclear tests in response.

    “We will not test anything in advance, but if the US tests its nuclear weapons, we will respond in kind,” he stated.

    The deal, signed in 2010 and extended for another five years in 2021, intends to regulate and reduce strategic nuclear capabilities employed by the United States and Russia.

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