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Tuesday, October 22, 2024


    Somalia: Government orders exhumation from public cemetery, with obligatory fee

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    The decision to relocate a public cemetery in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, to make way for a marine training camp has sparked widespread grief and outrage. Families who have buried their loved ones at the cemetery are now faced with the heartbreaking task of exhuming and reburying their relatives. Adding to their distress, they must pay high fees for the exhumation and reburial processes.

    Under the administration of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the Somali government has been accused of systematically displacing citizens from public land. These allegations suggest that the displaced land is often sold to business people with close connections to high-ranking government officials, raising concerns about corruption and misuse of power.

    The decision to relocate the cemetery at Scuola Polizia in Mogadishu has further fueled these concerns. Families were given just a 10-day notice to remove the remains of their loved ones from the cemetery, a timeline that many find both disrespectful and insufficient. This abrupt notice has left families scrambling to make arrangements, adding emotional and financial strain to an already difficult situation.


    Community members and human rights advocates have criticized the government’s handling of the situation, calling for more time and support for the affected families. The controversy over the cemetery relocation highlights broader issues of governance, transparency, and respect for citizens’ rights in Somalia.

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