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Saturday, July 27, 2024


    UAE airlifts seven wounded Mogadishu double bombing victims

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    Seven of the most severely hurt victims of the twin vehicle bomb attacks in Mogadishu were evacuated to the United Arab Emirates for additional medical care.

    Dr. Ali Hajji, the minister of health, stated on Friday during the weekly broadcast of Somali National Television that the government of Somalia has taken on a significant obligation to transport any individual with a severe injury overseas with the assistance of Somalia’s friendly nations.

    “Mogadishu hospital sent reports to the government of badly hurt persons who need to be flown abroad for additional treatment,” he said.

    According to Dr. Ali Hajji, the National Emergency Committee started distributing money on Friday for those who were hurt and the relatives of those who died in the explosions.

    On November 3, two car bombs exploded at the education ministry in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, killing at least 330 people and injuring at least 120 more. The Turkish health ministry dispatched specialized medical personnel to treat the victims.

    In response to the Somali President’s plea for surgeons and medical personnel from friendly nations to assist the victims of the terror assault, Djibouti and the Ethiopian government also dispatched medical personnel to Mogadishu.

    The devastating terror strike took place at the same busy intersection where al-Shabab extremists carried out a related truck bomb attack five years prior, killing over 500 people.

    Al Shabab, an insurgent organization with ties to Al Qaeda, has taken credit for the assault.

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