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Saturday, July 27, 2024


    UPDF sends 2450 troops to Somalia under UN and AU auspices.

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    The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) Battle Group (BG) XXXVIII was flagged off today to operate under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia.

    Maj Gen Don Nabaasa, Commandant Military Police, officiated over today’s flag-off ceremony and also welcomed United Nations Guard Unit (UNGU) VIII on behalf of Chief of Defence Forces Gen Wilson Mbadi.

    Both events were place at the Peace Support Operations Training Center (PSO-TC) in Singo, Nakaseke area.

    In his remarks, Maj Gen Don Nabaasa praised the President and Commander in Chief of the Uganda People’s Defense Force, H.E Gen (Rtd) Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, for supporting the Pan-African ethos, as proven by all Battle Groups that have served in Somalia since 2007.

    Maj Gen Nabaasa welcomed UNGU VIII back and congratulated them on a job well done. “It’s not a joke that I spent a year in Somalia and returned with no significant incidents or indirect attacks. “It’s a joy to see you again, and we thank God,” he remarked.

    He urged them to remain calm in their new towns because they had been away for a long time, and he also urged them to invest their hard-earned money cautiously in income-generating enterprises such as poultry and piggery, claiming that the latter transforms lifestyle. “Do not waste it, and do not hurry for flashy things,” Maj Gen Nabaasa advised.

    He also encouraged them to retain the spirit and solidarity of the National Resistance Army (NRA)/UPDF in order to continue serving the country as needed. “I congratulate UNGU VIII for collectively performing their mandate,” he concluded.

    Maj Gen Don Nabaasa warned BG XXXVIII to approach the mission area with attention, commitment, and zeal. “Be watchful, implement the Somali Operational Plan, adhere to UPDF ideology, embrace peace support procedures, and continue to degrade Al-Shabaab,” he said.

    Brig Gen Max Gumisiriza, Commandant of the Peace Support Operations and Training Centre Singo (PSO-TC), commended the UPDF leadership and training partners for their ongoing support for the training center.

    He praised UNGU VIII, led by BG Commander Lt Col Peter Mabunga, for carrying out their mission in Somalia with professionalism.

    He went on to praise PSO-training TC’s partners, chief instructors, and ATMIS coordinators for their efforts and ongoing support.

    He ended by wishing BG XXXVIII well and a pleasant stay in Somalia.

    Civic leaders, municipal leaders, Chief instructors, and UPDF Senior and Junior officers were among those who attended both occasions.

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