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Friday, July 26, 2024


    Workshop on Agricultural Cooperation between China and Horn of Africa

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    On September 20th, 2023,In Yangling, China, Ambassador Awale Kullane led a group of Horn of Africa Ambassadors to promote agricultural cooperation between China and the Horn of Africa. The workshop, titled “China-Horn of Africa Agricultural Cooperation,” was organised by the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aimed to improve agricultural cooperation and develop long-term relationships between the two areas.

    Xue Bing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Special Envoy for Horn of Africa Countries, made the keynote presentation, emphasising China’s commitment to improving ties with Horn of Africa nations through agricultural cooperation.

    Leading the team of Horn of Africa Ambassadors, Ambassador Awale Kullane presented a captivating statement emphasising the necessity of strengthening agricultural cooperation between the Horn of Africa and China. He emphasised the importance of expanded interactions between Horn of Africa envoys in China and representatives from the China-Africa Joint Centre for Modern Agrotechnology Exchange, Demonstration, and Training. Ambassador Kullane further emphasised the critical role of professionals in African agricultural cooperation.

    The workshop finished with a closing remark by Xue Bing, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa of the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Xue Bing reaffirmed China’s commitment to assisting agricultural development in the Horn of Africa region and encouraged all participants to continue working together.

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